Thursday 21 December 2017

Globe and Mail Cryptic 20171221

Thursday December 21, 2017

Difficulty: medium

Again, just a quick summary of the more interesting/challenging ones. I suppose
this will likely become a habit - it takes too much time to type them all up all the time!


20. Part of one's defence in boats, perhaps
Bastion [anagram]: of "in boats". A bastion is a protruding fortification from a castle's wall that enables an attack from the side against anyone attacking the walls.

22. Almost drain a pitcher
Ewer [deletion]: A drain can be a "sewer"; remove the "S" to get ewer.


2. A nutcase?
Cranium [cryptic]: Your brain is your "nut". This took a while to figure out.

3. Widespread emotionalism at the church service?
Mass hysteria [cryptic]: the clue seemed a little weird to me: "mass" is clued twice (widespread and church service), but hysteria only once.

6. Plea for bail to be arranged, I conclude
Alibi [anagram]: of "bail", plus "I" at the end. Plea as a definition for alibi seems a little tenuous to me.

7. Controlling factors
Managers [cryptic?]: A factor can be an agent (like a manager).

12. King and priest qualified to be trustworthy
Reliable [charade]: I had to look this one up: King = R + Priest can be "Eli" (a priest in the Bible) + able = qualified.

19: Become extremely ragged
Fray [cryptic?]: Not sure if there's anything more to this than the (cryptic?) definition.

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